Topics at May's Board meeting include grassroots strategy and Olympic preparation

Thursday 27 May 2021

Our Board met on Tuesday 25 May and set out below are the main points discussed at the meeting.
Mark Bullingham (Chief Executive Officer) and Polly Handford (Director, Legal & Governance) updated the Board on the fan-led review into Football Governance.  

The Board discussed the review’s terms of reference and the key themes which we will need to address when making our submission. The Board agreed that it will review a draft paper prior to this being submitted to the review and will present an overview of our proposals to the Council.
Our new strategy for grassroots football, titled ‘Survive. Revive. Thrive.’ was launched at the end of March and James Kendall (Director of Football Development) took the Board through the main objectives of the strategy.

It focuses on male and female participation, club development, improved facilities, the volunteer workforce, digital technology and a safe, inclusive and diverse environment.  

Successful implementation of the strategy will require a good working relationship between the FA and County FAs as well as the large number of funding, commercial and delivery partners.
In March 2020, we issued guidance to heading in youth football. This has been subject to review by John Moores University as part of the development of heading guidance for the adult amateur game. John Folwell (Head of Grassroots Coach Development) updated the Board on the progress of the guidance. The intention is to issue simple, clear, consistent and practical guidance ahead of the 2021-22 season.
Sue Campbell (Director, Women’s Football) and Edleen John (Director, International Relations, Corporate Affairs and Co-Partner for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) presented to the Board on the development of a Disability Game Plan, which will bring together future work in disability football across the FA.  

The plan will focus on a number of key areas including opportunities for disabled people to take part in football and improving the support we provide to our England Para teams.
Campbell also reported to the Board on the preparations for the GB Women’s football team’s participation in the Tokyo Olympics. The GB team will play Chile, hosts Japan and Canada, with the first match on 21 July (v Chile) in Sapporo.

By Richard McDermott Company Secretary